Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sowing Seeds of Success: Sedalia Business Women

Dear Member:

This is an exciting year for Sedalia Business and Professional Women! We are no longer affiliated with BPW/USA. Our State Federation voted to disassociate from BPW/USA effective June 1, 2009. The votes on the merger have been tallied and BPW/USA now has the authority to merge with BPW Foundation. I wanted you to know the results of the vote, but since the State Federation has already voted to disassociate from them, this does not affect us.

What does this mean for you? You no longer will pay dues to BPW/USA. Your dues will be $45 per year ($10 for our local club and $35 for the State). And in these leaner economic times, we are all happy about the lower dues. Student members will only pay $20 for their State membership. Notices will be sent to you very soon and dues will be paid to our own treasurer, Della Schnakenberg.

The State Board and regional directors are very excited about the future of the Missouri Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc. The Board is looking to reinvent and to rebrand the Missouri group to be bigger and better than ever! Your Sedalia Board members are also excited about the opportunities this reorganization brings to us. The programs we have used from BPW/USA will no longer be available for our use, but the Missouri Board will be creating new programs that will help us to continue to educate, train and inform ourselves and others. We will be able to continue to provide mentoring and networking opportunities for area women. In fact, locally, we have already had a brainstorming meeting to suggest ideas to the State Board.

As your President this year, I am looking forward to talking to each of you and working to help you understand the changes and to move forward with us. My theme this year is Sowing the Seeds of Success. I want to plant the seeds you need to help you be a successful person. I want to help nurture those seeds so that you can reap the benefits and achieve your goals in your personal life and your professional life. As the Club moves forward with the help of the State Federation, we will be looking to improve and reinvent so that we can advance our Club and make it work better for you. So, I ask you, what can we do to help you? What steps can we take and what seeds can we sow to help you reach your goals?

I am here to serve you.

Dianne Simon, President
Sedalia Business & Professional Women’s Club, Inc.

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