Why a $40 licensing fee?
One of the main concerns received from members was the protection of the BPW name and brand. This fee is a means of guaranteeing, as much as possible, that the integrity and legal name of BPW and its brand, programs, trademarks, copyrights, heritage, legacy and mission are protected and that the BPW quality and value we have come to expect are ensured. This licensing fee has the characteristics of a brand/service sharing program fee in that the fee permits the sharing and the usage of BPW/USA brand and signature programs.
Besides the BPW brand, what services or programs are covered by the $40 brand/service sharing program licensing fee?
The fee provides for use of the Young Careerist Program, the Individual Development Program, the Women Joining Forces Program, and an electronic publication similar to the legislative hotline.
Will the $40 brand/service sharing program licensing fee include a membership option?
Yes, upon payment of the fee, BPW/USA members will become non-voting members of BPW Foundation. This non-voting membership is very similar to non-voting memberships that are paid to community libraries, museums and other non-profit organizations.
Are there any additional benefits that members who pay the licensing fee receive?
The fee will also provide for an opportunity for the non-voting members to participate in issue/focus groups and provide guidance to BPW Foundation on the areas of women veterans, young careerists, women business owners, an d workforce and workplace advocacy.
Is the licensing fee an annual fee?
Yes. This $40 brand/service sharing program license fee seems low for the benefits provided. How was the amount established? The fee was established by looking at the market value fo r services provided. The market value for the services and programs to be provided was considerably higher than the $40 brand/service sharing program license fee. Also, a comparison was made to other like-kind professional organizations as to the services and programs provided. The BPW Foundation Trustees recognized the importance of our heritage and mission as it relates to the BPW brand, the importance for workingwomen to have advocates on their behalf, the desire to stay connected at the national level, the need to receive current and timely information on the issues facing workingwomen, and the ability to continue using the BPW Brand and the Signature Programs such as, the YC, ID and WJF programs. As a result, the BPW Foundation Trustees agreed to share in the investment financially and with other resources as necessary to carry out these priorities. The $40 fee is clearly a great value.
Would a non-BPW member pay the same licensing fee?
No. BPW Foundation is offering the licensing arrangement assessed at a per member cost of $40 to BPW/USA members only as part of the transitioning process of the two sister organizations to thenew merged organization. The non-voting member fee will be considerably higher for non-BPW members.
Could a BPW member use the BPW brand if the licensing fee is not paid?
Payment of the licensing fee is required for the privilege of using the BPW Brand.
What happens if a State Federation or Local Organization does not pay the licensing fee?
A State Federation or Local Organizati on that does not pay the $40 per member licensing fee cannot operate under the BPW name, cannot use the BPW logo or any of the BPW Signature Programs, nor can a person say that they are a BPW member.
Is this considered a dues assessment? The impression was that there would be no more National dues.
No, this is not a dues assessment. This is a brand/service sharing program fee that provides the protection, integrity, and quality control needed to preserve the BPW name and brand. The overall brand/service sharing program fee is calculated based on a per member cost of $40.00.
How will the $40 per member brand/service sharing program licensing fee be assessed, invoiced, and collected?
Even though all the details for the assessment, invoicing, and collection of the fee have not been finalized, the preliminary thoughts are to invoice the State Federation based upon an assessment of the State’s membership numbers at June 30, 2009. If a State Federation does not exist, the fee will be invoiced to the Local Organization based upon the same facts
When will the $40 brand/service sharing program licensing fee be invoiced?
The dates for invoicing the brand/service sharing program fee are under discussion. The fee will not be invoiced immediately following the merger ef fective date of July 1, 2009. However, these are the type of details that the BPW/USA and BPW Foundation Joint Implementation team will address once the Plan of Merger has been approved.
A large portion of our current members are "May Day" dues renewal me mbers. These members are being encouraged to renew by May 31st, for what will essentially be one (1) month of BPW/USA membership. Will the final negotiations with the Foundation allow for this $60 USA dues "to be transferred to the Foundation's $40 brand/ service sharing program Licensing Fee"?
Yes. It is anticipated that the dues that are paid prior to the merger will be considered as a credit to the license fee. The fee will not be invoiced immediately following the merger effective date of July 1, 2009. The dates for invoicing the brand/service sharing program license fee are under discussion and will take into consideration the members in a state transitioning to the BPWF. These are the type of details that the BPW/USA and BPW Foundation Joint Implement ation team will address once the Plan of Merger has been approved.
Will there be a special rate for Student Members?
The brand/service sharing program state licensing fee is based on Members of Locals only.
If the merger vote is not adopted, would the BPW name be available for use by State Federations? Who owns the trademark and programs under a dissolution or bankruptcy?
The assets, trademarks and copyrights remain the property of BPW/USA until ownership is transferred to another entity. In the case of bankruptcy or dissolution use of the BPW name by State Federations is not certain and would be determined during the dissolution and/or bankruptcy planning process.
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