Thursday, April 23, 2009

A Vote Against the Merger

I have read all the papers and heard a lot of talk on the merger. I really enjoyed reading this blog which let me know that others were thinking what I've been thinking. So when the vote came out, I voted against the merger. I believe that this is in the best interests of the state federations and thus the locals.

I know that our long history cannot be taken away and most of us have put on enough YC and ID programs that we can easily enough set up a new one if necessary. But I do not believe it will be necessary as I think that they will be for sale to either anyone with a certain dollar amount or the highest bidder in some cases. I can live with that and I can also live without anyone from national telling my state and local what we can and cannot do -- like the world will end.

Thanks for the place to express my feelings.

Glenda Smith, Rushville IN local
Past State President IN, 1997-98
and all the jobs in between and after

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