Monday, April 27, 2009

Message from Sedalia BPW President

Dear BPW Members:

Personally I do not wish to support or condemn BPW/USA or the leadership. I believe they have fallen short in the futuristic planning where our finances are concerned. However, I also believe that the unforeseen state of the global economy has had an impact beyond their control. The decreased number of members paying in dues, the loss of sponsors for conferences due to a reduced number of members attending, and the expense of trying to save our organization are just a few areas that have had a major impact on the budget.

As for the merger of BPW/USA and BPW Foundation, I do not believe that the heart, the body of this organization being its membership has been given adequate consideration. If we are expected to pay – we want a say!! (A vote) There have been too many questions that have received vague or no answer at all. The presentation of the planned merger left too many if’s.

Members of the Missouri Federation attending State conference this past weekend voted overwhelmingly to disassociate ourselves from BPW/USA. Missouri and its membership are strong, energetic and intelligent. We will be stronger, more effective and more efficient standing on our own. We have the resources available and the responsibility to continue to work toward a better future for all human beings everywhere particularly where women are concerned. We should lead others by being a positive example.

We have been given the right under the merger plan to disassociate ourselves with BPW/USA. I believe that we should see to it that the states that wish to remain a part of a national organization have that right as well. Therefore, I will vote to approve the merger knowing that the wishes of the Missouri members to disassociate have been met and we will now be able to move forward on our own while allowing others to proceed in a direction they see is in the best interest of and in accordance with their the wishes of their members.

I am disappointed at the national level of our organization but I refuse to use time and energy that could be put to better use than on being angry. It is time for Missouri to turn the page and move forward!!!!

Marla Franklin
Sedalia BPW Local

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