Saturday, April 4, 2009

Linda Fisher, Sedalia BPW, Position Statement on BPW Merger

When I first heard of the merger between BPW/USA and Foundation, I breathed a sigh of relief that our organization would continue. Changed, yes, but forging forth with a national effort to resolve issues facing workingwomen today.

After watching the Webinar, my opinion has changed. Several things about the merger concern me. The answers to the frequently asked questions were not the answers I wanted to hear.

BPW/USA says that if they dissolve, BPW will cease to exit on at every level. Our local is active in our community. We have managed to work within our budget while providing local scholarships and making donations to local charities. We have supported our Missouri Federation, BPW/USA, and Foundation. Out of our $95 dues, only $10 stays with our club--a vital partner with other civic and charitable groups in our area. I do not believe a 90 year old organization should be taken down because our national office has made unfortunate business decisions.

BPW/USA says that if they dissolve, it is not certain that state and local BPW groups will not be able to use the BPW logo or name. BPW/USA owns the trademark and copyrights, apparently. Somehow, I was under the impression that the members are the heart of BPW, and in truth ARE BPW. We are the ones that paid dues ($60 per member, per year) so BPW/USA could represent us on a national level.

If BPW/USA merges with Foundation two things will happen that goes against the basic beliefs of the members. First, if we vote for this merger, we will never vote again. We become non-voting members of BPWF. I don't know about you, but it goes against my general principals to belong to a civic group where I have no say.

The second basic thing I disagree with is the $40 license fee. It is wrong that members of BPW locals will have to pay a license fee to use the BPW name. We the members are BPW! We will no longer be able to vote and our state organizations will be invoiced on a per-member charge to use the name we have so proudly upheld and honored for the previous 90 years.

The Sedalia BPW Chapter plans to make an informed vote. All our officers and committee chairs watched the Webinar following our Board Meeting. We discussed the ramifications of merger or dissolution at our club meeting. Several of us are going to the State Conference and will report on what we learn at that meeting to a townhall meeting of our Chapter.

Sedalia BPW will not cease to exist if BPW/USA dissolves. If they deny us the BPW name, we will continue operation under a different name. We will continue to be a vital part of our local and hopefully state organization.

BPW was not founded by meek and mild women who accepted the status quo. It was founded by women with a vision and a purpose. Those women exist today and they are the MEMBERS of BPW. Our challenge now is regain focus on the mission that BPW has had for the past 90 years.

Linda Fisher
Membership Chair
Sedalia BPW


Cindy said...

We all know where I stand..Here, Here. I e-mailed my member poll to Sharon and got an e-mail back..

Anonymous said...


You should know by now that people in Washington dont seem to know what a realistic budget is, let alone how work within one.

Everyday working people across this country send money to Washington's bottomless pit most of it never to be seen again.

Maybe if our CEO would work for $1 per year like some of the other executives of corporations with financial problems, we could find a way to resolve the financial situation. Just a thought.